IVF: no update

It’s been 2 months since my post about how we were starting our IVF journey. Unfortunately, no progress has been made since our video appointment with our fertility doctor. The clinic is new and was not fully operational when it opened its doors so we’re waiting for all their accreditation to go through. They were optimistic to be starting treatment in April or May but it’s been pushed out to an undetermined date.

I’m frustrated. I wish we could do more or get mad but it’s not like someone is holding us back. From what I understand, it’s because of the province of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta and that they are in no rush to put this through. This isn’t surprising as the Regional Fertility Program has held a monopoly in infertility for forever and they don’t want the competition. It’s been a year since we invested in this process and I don’t have any proof that I’m going through this. No brochure or pamphlet, nothing from the clinic, no guide book, nothing.

I’m mad. I want to threaten to pull my funds out. I want to storm down to the clinic. If it’s the college, I want to start a petition. If they want more attention, I’ll go on the news. Let me just do something. I’m not a believer in God and that ‘He has a plan for all of us’. I believe I’m in control of my own fate and that I can influence my own destiny. I can’t just sit back and wait to hear what’s going to happen.

I’m sad I was excited. This is the worst part. I want to believe it’s going to work. I want to imagine myself as a mother. I want to celebrate! Dang it, I was looking up so much about IVF success, pregnancy, and having a baby on Pinterest! Now, I’m slowly crawling back to the misery of infertility and thinking about ‘maybe it’s not meant to be’. I’m losing the small glimmer of hope I had with the clinic. I’m losing faith that they’ll take care of us or that I matter to them.

I’m distracted…for now. At least a little bit. We’ve got the new house we’re getting ready to start building (with its own headaches).  Fixing up our house now to get ready to sell. There’s been some good new shows. Some new movies. It’s summer so we’re starting to enjoy time out on the patio. Having friends over to talk about anything else. It’s hard not to think about it – but how could I not? This is a big life altering event. I’m such a planner that I’ve planned out the next year in the two scenarios of if it’s successful and if it’s not.

I’ll keep this blog posted. Hopefully my next post can finally be a happy one! More exclamations!

IVF Acupuncture: Volume 1

Pins and needles…literally!
A few months ago, we had met with one of the doctors from the clinic for a introductory appointment. We had the option to do it through video but we opted for an in-person meeting. Our doctor had recommended to get ready for the IVF through some vitamins and acupuncture. When she mentioned acupuncture, I thought of my family friend that I knew who did acupuncture immediately. Coincidentally, she actually specialized in fertility acupuncture treatments.

I went for my first appointment in November and it was great. I hadn’t told many people at that point about our IVF and was nervous to tell my acupuncturist but she was very empathetic and naturally has a very soothing personality anyway. She explained her recommendations (to see her weekly and to bring in my husband too). My husband and I went back for a treatment in late November and my husband thought she must’ve been able to do magic because he had also mentioned his back hurt and immediately after he felt amazing.  He actually said “she must be a wizard”.

Due to some family conflicts and hectic work schedules, we didn’t go back until just last night.  Because we’re doing our IVF through Effortless IVF and they just opened, we haven’t really met our doctors and or seen even seen the clinic.  This was nice to start a routine of appointments.  Our acupuncturist advised that we go weekly until the stimulation phase of our treatment.  Then I would do more acupuncture treatments more frequently once that started.  My husband would be ‘off the hook’, although I’m sure he wouldn’t mind to keep going!  She said that we’d work on the nervous system and just get my body in tune for the treatments and then work on thickening my uterine lining.

We’re also working on a healthy diet – cutting caffeine is hard!  And fries!  More dark greens, salmon, eggs, bananas, etc – really not too difficult – just less eating out!

Signing off for now!  Next up should be starting birth control (ironic isn’t it?).

Will post updates as they come!
Thanks for reading!